July 2024 webinar

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Empowering Design and Operations with Digital Twins: A Practical and Cost-Effective Approach 

In this edition of our webinar, we were joined by guest speaker Mateusz Lukasiewicz, a seasoned digital projects manager at KEO International Consultants.

During the session, Mateusz shared with the audience: 

  • The straightforward process of creating digital twins, debunking the myth of it being a complex and abstract task that requires a team of specialists. 
  • The impact of true real world operational data on facility management and design criteria evaluation, emphasizing the importance of validating conditions during operations. 
  • Addressing the subjective problem – how digital twins organize objective data for insights to be identified.

You can watch Mateusz’s Autodesk University 2023 class here. Watch the KEO International Consultants customer story here.

Head over to the Tandem Forums to see a full list of the questions and answers from this webinar.

Poll results of our July 24th webinar