Tandem as a platform

Unleash the power of your digital twin with Tandem APIs

Maximize the value of your facility’s data-rich digital twin. Draw from a thriving ecosystem of integrations and applications—or create your own.

Discover the benefits of Tandem as a platform

The Tandem platform is a rich source of assets, spaces, systems, and sensor data. Use our open APIs to create powerful extensions, integrations, or even whole applications.

Connect existing systems

With Tandem APIs, you can integrate other enterprise or mission critical systems such as CMMS or Building Management Systems (BMS) and increase their overall value.

Automate repetitive tasks

Once your users’ common workflows have been established, you can leverage the Tandem APIs to automate some of these tasks or streamline several steps into one.

Create new business opportunities

Bring new and meaningful value to the AECO industry with Autodesk Tandem’s building data. It’s easily accessible via APIs, enabling the development of powerful, third-party applications.

Autodesk Tandem’s platform roadmap

API access to your data-rich digital twin is critical if you’re to unleash its full potential. Over time, we plan to offer several comprehensive APIs.


Rest API

With foundational Read/Write access to the Asset Information Model, you can integrate other systems and push and pull data as needed. You can also connect to your BMS and deliver time-series sensor data to Tandem.


Tandem SDK

Use Tandem’s logic and visual interactivity to build custom apps. The Javascript SDK allows for a higher-level abstraction and even easier access to the Asset Information Model.


Tandem Extensions

We aim to enable vertical integrations and extensions to the Tandem application itself. This would allow you to use all the existing functionality and UI of Tandem and extend it with your own plugins.

Leverage the developer ecosystem

With your feedback and support for both extensions and custom workflows, we will transform the coordination and flow of information for the built environment. We’re committed to working closely with the developer community to deliver on the exciting prospects of digital twins.

Get started with the Tandem APIs

If you’re interested in experimenting with new Tandem APIs, getting set up in one of our Test Beds is quick and easy.

  1. Sign up for a free Tandem account
  2. Set up a Facility by importing your model (find further guidance here)
  3. Review the source code by clicking on the GitHub icon in the demo app

Please note: The viewer will remain empty until you have set up a facility.

Explore Tandem’s capabilities

Discover what makes Autodesk Tandem stand out. See how its features will benefit your business and help you achieve your goals.

Find out what’s next for Tandem

Learn about our plans and see how Autodesk Tandem will continue to add value to your business as our technology matures and evolves.