New Data Dashboards for digital twin building inside Autodesk Tandem

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Building digital twins just became quicker using Autodesk Tandem’s newest feature, Data Dashboards. This new feature provides an overview of the progress of the digital twin creation, with charts, graphs, and visual context to the 3D replica – all making it easier to track what data is complete and helping identify missing data so your digital twin can be compiled faster. Previous to the new Data Dashboards, there was no quick way to validate data completion for elements within the digital twin, this new dashboard provides a tool to measure progress.  

Autodesk Tandem stores customizable descriptive information (called parameters) for all the elements that make up the digital twin (think doors, windows, mechanical units, and more)– making it a quick and easy solution for facility management when trying to find manufacturer information, warranties, and other asset information. The new data dashboards inside Autodesk Tandem help digitize the building handover, creating a more comprehensive way for contractors to fulfill contractual obligations to building owners. The latest feature makes the handover process even faster.

Key benefits of Autodesk Tandem’s Data Dashboards: 

  1. Validate your data and progress quickly with an overview of the dashboards
    The Data Dashboards provide an overview of the completeness of the asset data within the descriptive digital twin, for example, helping you know what owner’s manuals or warranties have been logged and which haven’t. The new dashboard displays charts showing progress and completeness, eliminating the guesswork of classifying the assets in your digital twin.   
    Facilities contain thousands of elements that must be classified according to owners’ requirements. The process of checking that all the assets contain the correct classification and parameter data, and that the information is complete can be a difficult task. Now with dashboards, users can understand the data completeness and quality of their project with a couple of clicks. These visuals will help with ensuring that the handover is seamless and that owners receive the data they require. 
Autodesk Tandem Data Dashboards
(A general overview of the Data Dashboard inside Autodesk Tandem.) 
  1. Customize your dashboards and charts 
    Not only can you create a general overview of your entire facility or a dashboard for a data type, but you can create custom dashboards showing the facility or specific views of the facility. Alter the cards on the dashboard to show the information that’s most relevant to you. Export the data to PDF and share it with stakeholders, streamlining communication and collaboration. 
  1. Fill in missing data faster 
    Not only can you find your missing data faster, but the new feature will improve your workflow to complete it faster. Whether it’s jumping to inventory lists particular to your missing information or creating a new filtered view with the elements missing that data, your process will become much more seamless.  
(The above gif demonstrates missing data being found filled with the new data dashboards function.)

Experience the transformative capabilities of Autodesk Tandem for free today. Take advantage of Data Dashboards to streamline building your digital twin, validate data completeness, and enhance collaboration across your team. With Autodesk Tandem, building and managing digital twins has never been easier. 

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